
What is the SFQC?

The SFQC teaches and develops the skills necessary for effective utilization of the SF Soldier. Duties in CMF 18 primarily involve participation in Special Operations interrelated fields of unconventional warfare. These include foreign internal defense and direct action missions as part of a small operations team or detachment. Duties at other levels involve command, control, and support functions. Frequently, duties require regional orientation, to include foreign language training and in-country experience. The SF places emphasis not only on unconventional tactics, but also knowledge of nations in waterborne, desert, jungle, mountain, or arctic operations.

After successful completion of SFAS, officers who have not already attended their Advanced Course will attend either the Infantry or Armor Career Captain's Course. Enlisted Soldiers will return to their home station and await receipt of PCS orders to Fort Bragg, NC. Including SFAS, the SFQC is comprised of six phases. SFAS is considered Phase One. All of remaining phases are as described below:

SFQC (Phase II): Individual Skills - During this phase of SF training Soldiers in-process at Fort Bragg and begin their SF training. This phase is approximately 13 weeks in duration and includes training in Small Unit Tactics, SF Tactics, Survival Skills and Language and Cultural Training.

SFQC (Phase III): MOS Qualification Phase - During this phase of SF Training Soldiers will receive MOS training for their newly assigned Special Forces MOS. Training for this phase is approximately 15 weeks and includes additional language training, SF Common tasks, Advanced Special Operations Techniques (ASOT), and Interagency Operations.

SFQC (Phase IV): Language Training - Based on each Soldier's individual language skills, he will advance through language training to prepare him to serve in SF. Additionally, while receiving language training Soldiers will be trained in warrior skills, such as Combatives. This phase may be up to 14 weeks in duration or may be exempted if the Soldier already possesses an appropriate SF language. Select Soldiers may have the opportunity for advanced language training based on individual language proficiency and the needs of SF.

SFQC (Phase V): Collective Training Phase - During this phase Soldiers will hone their newly acquired SF skills in a realistic Unconventional Warfare (UW) culmination exercise. This phase is approximately 4 weeks in duration.

SFQC (Phase VI): Out-Processing and initial assignment.


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